My wish … Things 3.7 “filters”

#omnifocus #culturedcode

I know it probably won’t happen, but I would love saved searches or filters in things 3


Trying out OF 3 again… #productivity #culturedcode #omnifocus

Who thinks throwing it off the back board to yourself then dunking intentionally should be illegal?

The problem with repeating tasks in @culturedcode Things 3… even though you get set a start date for say a week early, then the item would be able to be marked complete. This ,however, is an issue because then you have this item in your today view for all that time cluttering things up. Please fix soon…

Hands up if you got good by practicing on the double rims at the park 🏀

I LOVE the look of Things 3, but sadly, I can’t use it full time. I need attachment support for items emailed from work account. And you still can’t complete a relating task before it’s due date. It’s a shame because the app is gorgeous. I’m sticking with Todoist for now

The announcements from Google I/o have me wanting to get a Google pixel. I know… Privacy….. But can’t we admit this stuff looks cool?

Strasburg Train Museum

Strasburg Train Museum

New Coffee Maker

Out with the old, in with the new

First time trying this out….. ☕️

I think all the automation added to things 3 is awesome, but then I kinda feel like, am I really ever going to do any of this other than as a proof of concept?

Is there an easy way to make a longer post with inline images yet?

Evernote vs devonthink is a perpetual struggle of mine. I basically have parity between the two as far as documents currently saved in them. I still think Evernote is easier… it’s not as good as an iOS citizen as DTTG, but it just seems more user friendly.

We are getting the Sony x90e 75 in. Excited!

Turns out when you work nights 9am feels very late

Am I the only one that would listen to a podcast exclusively about @viticci , @imyke , and @ismh discussing what task managers they are using / switching to and all the nuances as to why???

iOS predictive notifications (or whatever it’s called). I literally never go to McDonald’s?!?!?!

Has anybody figured out a clever way to work around the fact that you can’t complete a repeating task before the actual due date in things 3 by @cultured code yet?

So….i want that late night badge.

Turns out I spoke too soon :/

Ok I’m just going to admit it. I like trying out different task managers. It’s like a hobby of mine.

Raise your hands 🙌 if you have changed task managers every time .@viticci does.

I tested it out. It seems things now let’s you complete a repeating task early